Stopping bedwetting without treatment

Can we wait until the child stops bedwetting on his own ? Generally, a child will stop bedwetting on his own, with time. In fact, the rate of spontaneous cure (without intervention) is 15% per year, but there is a higher risk (85%) that the child’s bedwetting condition will persist for many years. Therefore, if … Read More

Age to start treatment

At what age can treatment begin ? By the age of 5, the bladder and the brain, which control urination, should have reached full maturity. Nocturnal enuresis is generally diagnosed at age 5. As soon as the child is sufficiently motivated (even before age 5), and wants to correct the situation, treatment with an alarm … Read More

Frequency of nocturnal enuresis

What is the incidence of nocturnal enuresis ? Nocturnal enuresis is very common in children and usually decreases with age. In general, nocturnal enuresis occurs in more than 15% of 5 year-olds, 8% of 8 year-olds, 3% of 12 year-olds, and 1% of 16 year-olds. Nocturnal enuresis may even continue into adulthood, affecting less than … Read More

Consequences of bedwetting

Is bedwetting an important health issue ? Although bedwetting has no serious impact on a child’s physical health, it can have serious repercussions on his or her self-esteem, and also home and social life, often preventing the child from going to camp or enjoying sleep-overs. Also, staying wet all night can cause pelvic area irritation … Read More


Is bedwetting hereditary ? Yes, this is a major risk factor for the condition. If one of the parents was a bedwetter, there is a 44% chance that the child will also wet his bed and if both parents wet their beds, the risk increases to 77%. The risk is only 15% without the hereditary … Read More

Causes of nocturnal enuresis

What causes nocturnal enuresis ? Nocturnal enuresis is rarely associated with an underlying illness, and may be caused by one or more of the following factors: delayed development of urine control, small bladder capacity, deep sleep and resulting difficulty waking, and inadequate production of vasopressin, an antidiuretic hormone.

History of nocturnal enuresis

How long has nocturnal enuresis been around ? The first written records on the subject were found on papyrus dating back to 1500 BC. It was not until the 19th century that we began to understand the causes of nocturnal enuresis and suggest treatments. The first bedwetting alarm was invented by Pfaundler in 1907.

Definition of nocturnal enuresis

What is nocturnal enuresis ? Commonly referred to as “bedwetting,” nocturnal enuresis is the “unconscious and involuntary emission of urine during sleep.”