Stop Bedwetting

60 years of experience to help your child

Ledoux Reflexe is a Canadian company with 60 years of experience in the treatment of nocturnal enuresis (bedwetting).

We have developed Dry4ever®, an alarm system that is effective and easy to use. The system immediately detects even a few drops of urine regardless of the child’s sleeping position, and triggers the alarm while the bladder is still full.






Online Software

Ledoux Reflexe team offers a follow-up Program during the treatment period. 

The parent or child enters the following data in the daily log which can then be transferred to our online software.


We have tried two other alarm systems before this one. She is also hearing impaired.

Hello Mr. Ledoux. I am very optimistic about our daughter’s progress so far. She has been a chronic bedwetter…actually has never been dry at night for any length of time. She is nine years old, soon to be 10. She is also hearing impaired. We have tried two other alarm systems before this one. Neither of them have been successful. She is a deep sleeper and in combination with her hearing difficulties she has never been able to consistently wake up to get herself to the bathroom. I’ve stood in her room before with the other systems we’ve tried going off loud and she slept right through it. What I noticed from the very beginning with your system is that the vibrator makes all the difference. She is up and off that bed the second it starts. We have been using borrowed panties from her cousin for the past 9 days. Already we see progress, in fact the last three nights she has gotten herself up to pee before the alarm has gone fact, I haven’t heard the alarm go off for the past two nights. I am keeping my fingers crossed that this is it! Thank you for being so helpful to us. I am printing out a data sheet to use and hopefully soon we will have you look at her data and help us figure out where she is at. Again, thank you! Sincerely,

It worked like a charm!

Yes, we are ready to return the machine. It worked like a charm! Only took 3 nights and she has not wet her bed since.

She actually wakes up and goes to the bathroom on her own.


Mother of a 8 year old girl.
# 3377

The system seemed to work with her in only a few weeks!

My daughter (9 years old) has been using the dry4ever system with great success. She has not had any accidents at night since March 28th as the system seemed to work with her in only a few weeks. She has been refusing to wear the alarm and pull ups for the past several weeks. We have the system packed away for now just in case there is a lapse in the therapy. I will contact you if this is to happen. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely,

Seven years old autistic boy.

Dear Mr. Ledoux, I am the mother of a seven years old autistic boy. He was trained to go to the bathroom during the day; however, we could not train him to go to the bathroom at night. I spoke to my Social Worker at the CLSC about this issue. She quickly informed me that this is how it is with autistic children. She told me that many autistic children will never develop the reflex to go to the bathroom at night and that if my son would train himself, it would happen when he would be 12 or 13 years old. I discussed this issue with my son’s Psychologist who advised me that there were two options: medication or an alarm system. I decided to try your system. It took 32 days for my son to be trained with the Ledoux System. Thank you Mr. Ledoux for your dedication, service, follow up, efficiency and advice and also just empathizing with me as a parent. My son is happy!!! Mr. Ledoux, once again, thank you!